Continental PrakashanKavitaKavitasangrahaKusumagrajKusumagraj (V. V. Shirwadkar)PoemPoetryV. V. ShirwadkarV.S.KhandekarVi Va ShirvadkarVishakhaVishnu Sakharam KhandekarVishnu Vāman Shirwādkarकवितासंग्रहकुसुमाग्रजकुसुमाग्रज (वि. वा. शिरवाडकर)काव्यसंग्रहकॉन्टिनेन्टल प्रकाशनकॉन्टीनेन्टल प्रकाशनजीवनानुभववि वा शिरवाडकरवि.वा.शिरवाडकरवि.स.खांडेकरविशाखावी.स.खांडेकरवीशाखा
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उत्कट जीवनानुभव, स्वानुभवापासून ते राष्ट्रप्रेमापर्यंत विषयांचे वैविध्य, लालित्यपूर्ण आणि ओघवती भाषाशैली या विविध गुणांनी युक्त असणारा विशाखा हा काव्यसंग्रह जगन्मान्य कवी कुसुमाग्रजांच्या सिद्धहस्त लेखणीतून उतरलाय. सुरेख काव्यानुभूती देणारा हा कवितासंग्रह प्रत्येकाने आपल्या घरात, हृदयात व मनातही जपून ठेवावा असाच आहे.
It is one of THE best books I have ever read. I was so engrossed that I plied all of Tatyasaheb's works thereafter - especially poetry. And I became an ardent and committed-to-my-death fan of the genius poet. I even named my daughter after this book.
For the actual poems, "Door Manoryat", "Himalaat", "Swapnanchi Samapti", "Columbusache Garvageet", "Pruthviche Premageet", "Saat", "Ahinakul", "Kranticha Jayjakkar", the list is endless.
Bhausaheb Khandekar himself has not only praised his disciples's maiden literary work but he personally managed to publish this poetry. When the likes of Khandekar and PuLa shower their praise on this magnum opus, do an average mortal being like me dare even utter a word?
Hats off to the great Tatya! I wish I had met you once. What you have done to our mothertongue, nobosy can repeat!