Volume I And II
Publication: Nirali Prakashan
Pages: 869
Weight: 1382 Gm
Binding: Paperback
ISBN10: 8196396155
ISBN13: 9788196396152
eBook Price: 25% OFF  R 675 R 506 / $ 6.49
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Summary of the Book
Content : History
● Definition and Scope of Pharmacognosy
● Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
● Aids of Natural Origin
● Classification of Natural Drugs
● Introduction to parts of a Plant
● Scheme of Pharmacognostic Studies
● Collection and Preparation of Natural Drugs for Market
● Adulteration
● Drug Evaluation and Significance of Pharmacopoeial Standards
● Chemical Nature of Natural Drugs
● Pharmacological Grouping of Natural Drugs
● Surgical Fibres
● Sutures and Dressings
● Crude Drugs & their Indian Synonyms
● Appendices
● Taxonomical Classification of Crude Drugs
● Biological Names of Natural Drugs.
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