To The Youth Of India
Author: Swami Vivekananda 
Category: Margadarshanpar
Publication: Advaita Ashram
Pages: 172
Weight: 136 Gm
Binding: Paperback
ISBN10: 8175050195
ISBN13: 9788175050198
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Hard Copy Price: R 40 / $ 0.51
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Summary of the Book
This book is a collection of some of the stirring and inspiring lectures that Swami Vivekananda delivered to vast audiences in India and Sri Lanka after his rise to fame as the patriot-saint of Modern India. The pages of this book present a representative selection of the great Swami's message to the young sons and daughters of India. A book highly recommended for all young minds bubbling with energy and enthusiasm to help them channelize their vigor and vitality in proper streams.
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