Author: G. N. Das 
Publication: Abhinav Publications
Pages: 100
Weight: 265 Gm
Binding: Hard Cover
ISBN10: 8170173728
eBook Price: 20% OFF  R 150 R 120 / $ 1.54
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Summary of the Book
"Here is a treatise by the author of Shri Rama, The Man and His Mission and Lessons from the Mahabharata with an attempt to oversee the possibilities of the whole world with a number of different human communities and races living as one family as if living in a circumscribed area of a country with few nations.

The author had the opportunity to visit a number of countries under a UNO Fellowship programme. He has put in his personal experiences (a rich account of the countries, peoples and civilisations of different nations he had chance to see himself).

In the end, the author has arrived at the conclusion that basic human nature being the same all over the world covering peoples of various races, communities, speaking different tongues, observing different social and communal norms in spite of these differences belong to one human race. He has not only visited them for superficial study but lived with them under one roof and in one kitchen which accommodated the author and the author acclimatised himself without demur from either side to live as belonging to One Family."
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